5 Memorisation Tips To Help Retain Your Chinese Vocabulary
Chinese has earned itself the reputation of being one of the most difficult languages to learn. Although learning a language can always be challenging for an individual at the beginning, if he or she puts in the effort, then nothing can stop them.
When it comes to language learning, vocabulary plays an important role as it determines how well you can describe the things around you. However, if you are constantly facing trouble with memorising your Chinese vocabulary, then you’ve come to the right place!
Here are a few memorisation tips that can help you to retain your Chinese vocabulary for a longer period!
1. Start with easy Chinese characters first
Did you know that there are approximately 50,000 characters in the Chinese language? A person who speaks fluent Chinese would be using about 20,000 characters, while knowledge of 3,000 characters is required to be able to read a newspaper without difficulty.
However, if you are looking to memorise your Chinese vocabulary, you should start with the easiest and most common characters first! For reading, that means characters with the least number of character strokes, such as Chinese numbers like ‘one’ and ‘ten’. As they have the least amount of character strokes, they are also the easiest Chinese characters to remember!
From there, you can start using these characters in different sentences, pair them up with one another, or move on to characters with even more strokes.
2. Use the repetition method
The best way to truly learn a new language is by using the repetition method. It doesn’t matter if you have learnt hundreds of characters already, or even just a couple, it is crucial that you repeat your exposure to them to keep them in your mind for a much longer period. You can do so by writing them repeatedly in a notebook, or practising with flashcards often.
Repetition is vital as it also gives you the confidence to speak up in front of others, and strengthens the connection with your brain.
3. Listen to Chinese songs or children’s books
Listening to Chinese songs can also be a great source of enhancing your memory because it is often easier to memorise the lyrics of a song than difficult words alone. This is because songs have rhythm and repetition, both of which can help you to memorise and expand your Chinese vocabulary.
Another alternative to memorising Chinese vocabulary is to pick up and read children’s books. As these books often have words at a basic level, they can help you to add even more Chinese words to your vocabulary!
4. Use Chinese as much as possible when doing everyday tasks
When we constantly use Chinese every day, the words can stay in our mind for a longer period. As such, if you find it difficult to form sentences in the Chinese language, then you should pick out a few keywords and start to use them daily. For instance, you can try speaking in Chinese when you order lunch at a Chinese eatery!
5. Practise constantly
In order to fully learn something, a lot of practice is required. This is the same as retaining your Chinese vocabulary! Initially, you might find it hard to form short sentences together, but with enough practice and determination, you will be able to form even longer sentences with varied vocabulary.
If you have enrolled in an online Mandarin course in Singapore, you can find other students and practise together with them. Practising with another partner can also help you greatly learn a new language!
Memorisation can be effective in helping you to establish your Chinese vocabulary, so use the tips above to your advantage! If you’ve decided to learn more about Chinese, then you can enrol in a Chinese course in Singapore! Not only will you be able to have online Chinese lessons taught by experts in the language, but you will also receive valuable tips to help you master the language!