How to Learn Chinese Characters: The Beginners’ Guide | SkillsFuture Language Course
How to Learn Chinese Characters: The Beginners’ Guide | SkillsFuture Language Course
With the Chinese language being used, spoken and written by roughly 20% of the total world population, the yearn to learn it is definitely normal. Chinese character writing, in particular, is an art form on its own and whether you want to learn it for communicating or just for the beauty of its art, you have to start somewhere. Skillsfuture language courses give you, a beginner, a few pointers that you need to know if you want to start writing these characters. This is a short pointer-guide that will give you an idea to what you will be dealing with once you decide to begin your lessons and learning.
They are not alphabets. As opposed to the Greek origins of our current ones used in the English alphabet, these Chinese characters can be thought of as syllables with different meanings. There are various combinations of the characters and when used, putting together two characters can have an entirely different meaning.
There are about 50,000 Chinese characters. Before your jaw hits the floor on this one, remember that some people claim you only need to about 2000 to 3000 -still a fairly huge number but with the help of Chinese Courses Singapore such as Skillsfuture Chinese course, you would be learning it in no time. Educated native individuals learn about 8000 in their lifetime.
They are now classified into two. With time moving on slowly bit by bit, our culture adopts along with it. This also is true for writing the Mandarin character. From ages before, they have come up with very intricate and detailed characters which are now referred to as traditional characters. Currently, the world evolves and wants to communicate faster, and they devised simple yet efficient ways of penning these same characters. These are now referred to as simplified form characters.