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    Learn Chinese Singapore Tag

    Chinese Culture Don’t Give An Umbrella As A Gift In today’s international environment learn Chinese or Mandarin as a second language is growing in popularity. Learning Chinese offers more business opportunities in Chinese politics, economics, history and archaeology with it being the most widely spoken language in the world. In fact, Chinese has become the new trending language or “the new English” according to the Robert Davis, director of the Chinese language program in Chicago. Therefore, along with learning the language, it is also imperative to also learn the customs that go

    Ten Insights Into Learning Chinese as a foreign language Learning a foreign language calls for the commitment of time and effort. Having basic tips and techniques for learning a new language makes Learning Chinese in Singapore fun. Here are ten tips and techniques on mastering the Chinese language: Don’t make assumptions People take Chinese as a difficult language to learn yet it’s one with the easiest grammar and a sentence structure that corresponds to that of English Never be afraid to make mistakes. Don’t be self-conscious and ashamed. Correction of mistakes makes learning

    Ways and Tips to Improve Chinese Language Skills Being fluent in another language is indeed a challenge, especially if you are learning a difficult one like Chinese. There’s just an inherent difficulty in mastering the language that no textbooks can remedy. However, you can still do certain things to improve Chinese language skills and speak it like a pro.   Learn Chinese in Singapore by Phrases Chinese language experts suggest that when learning the language, it is better to do it by phrases. A Chinese vocabulary can mean a different thing when paired with

    Origins of Chinese Characters In order for us to learn the Mandarin language, we need to first learn it's written form: Chinese characters. To learn Chinese characters well, it'll be useful to learn their origins. Chinese characters are called 汉字 (hàn zì). They are logograms used in the writing of Chinese and some other Asian languages, like the Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese language. In English, they are called Han Characters. Unlike the English world of alphabet scripts, with a few dozen letters, Chinese language itself has thousands of characters that represent words. The name

    Learning Chinese Pinyin How to Type Chinese Pinyin with Tone Marks (meaning to have the tone above the pinyin) There is an easier way to present Chinese characters by typing Chinese Pinyin with tone marks is to copy the below and paste them into your word file / notes and save in your mobile phone or personal computer. ā á ǎ à ē é ě è ī í ǐ ì ō ó ǒ ò ū ú ǔ ù Learning Chinese and writing Chinese are a bit different but with the “U.S. Extended” keyboard input,

    Learning Chinese Mandarin has 4-5 primary tones. Say the first tone as if you were singing a high note. The second tone is pronounced like a question in English, with your pitch rising at the end of the syllable. Third tones are low and extended, noticeably longer than the other tones because of the dip. The fourth tone is said abruptly and forcefully, like a curt command in English. The neutral tone's pitch depends on the tone that precedes it. It is described more fully below, but, in general, they are