Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Mandarin | SkillsFuture Language Courses
Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Mandarin | SkillsFuture Language Courses If you are an individual who owns a television or has access to the internet and movies, it is highly probable that you have heard of the Mandarin language. Maybe you hear it on your Chinatown or maybe you even have a neighbour who speaks it. But what is Mandarin, really? Here are three things about Mandarin that would blow your mind. Mandarin is NOT Chinese. Not all of it anyway. This is probably a shock to you but in a
How to Make Learning Mandarin Easy with Skillsfuture Chinese Language Courses
How to Make Learning Mandarin Easy with Skillsfuture Chinese Language Courses When you hear people speaking Mandarin language, you might think it is the most complicated language ever created. What most people don’t know is that this language is one of the easiest to learn. Mandarin is the largest and most used among the seven or ten Chinese dialects which makes it so popular nowadays. Almost one in six people speaks this language that comprises about 1.2 billion native speakers in globally. Don’t hinder yourself in learning a new language; it is
What’s the difference between Learning Mandarin language and Cantonese
What’s the difference between Learning Mandarin language and Cantonese Both are the same tonal Chinese languages that shared the same writing system until 1956. However both are different in a lot of ways and forms like pronunciation, grammar and lexicon. One of the major differences is how the spoken word is written. Mandarin reader may understand a few written Cantonese but totally cannot understand each other when speaking. If you are planning to study Chinese language, the most practical dialect will be the Mandarin as it is being used widely compared
The Best Cities to Learn Mandarin in Southeast Asia
The Best Cities to Learn Mandarin in Southeast Asia If you’re a native English speaker and are planning on learn Mandarin Singapore, then you better have a good reason for learning it. Why? Because learning a new language will take time and learning it with a purpose will give you the motivation and patience that you will need to push through the language learning difficulties. Mandarin is a tonal language wherein the meaning of the word changes depending on the tone. In addition, there are thousands of characters and difficult writing
Expert-Endorsed Techniques for Effective Chinese Learning
Expert-Endorsed Techniques for Effective Chinese Learning A lot of people are interested in Chinese learning but are afraid to do so because of a much publicized difficulties in learning the language. However, experts say that Chinese is not as complicated as they say it is. If you are ready to challenge yourself and learn Mandarin effectively, these expert-endorsed tips might be a big help. Connect your Character Memorization with Radicals - You can’t master the Chinese language without being able to read its characters, and you can’t pronounce it’s characters if you