Three Similarities Between Korean Language To Chinese Language
Three Similarities Between Korean Language To Chinese Language
You will not have a hard time knowing the Korean language or Chinese language if you are already familiar with either, Chinese language has great influence in Korea. Thus you know they come with many similarities. This being said, you will not have too much of a hard time if you try to learn one of the two languages if you are speaking or familiar with just one of them.
That being said, it is highly recommended that when you know one of the languages, you find time to learn the other as there is no much difference anyway.
Below, is to give you a more specific and defined similarities of the languages that you may find interesting
They are almost written the same
If you notice, when you get into a Korean language school, the way both languages are written are almost the same, the difference will come more on how they are pronounced, thus it is a must that you have to be more particular on the way each word is being pronounced to ensure that you are giving a more accurate information to the one you are talking to. Do not get too confused on how they are written.
Grammar usage
Although Chinese is more careless with their grammars, they both are not particular with tenses, changing of adjectives and verbs and so forth. If you want to learn more about how they are being constructed, you can always check and ask guidance from Skillsfuture Korean language centers, to ensure that you are speaking the language right.
There are words being used in both languages
Due to the Chinese influence in Korea, there are words that they are using the same. The words are the same and so thus, how it is being used and what the word is trying to imply.