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    Tips on How to Sound Fluent in Chinese Language

    Tips on How to Sound Fluent in Chinese Language

    Tips on How to Sound Fluent in Chinese Language


    You know a good amount of words in the Chinese Language, you know how to use them and can hold yourself in an average conversation in Chinese, and now you want to sound fluent in the language? Then you are one of many people who has the same reachable ambition.

    If you know the right words to say and can express yourself in Chinese language, then you are already half way there, there are just some few things you need to do and to keep doing to achieve the fluency you are aiming for.

    Speak, Speak, and Speak

    You learn Chinese to use it and speaking in the language is a good practice of it. You should try to speak with other people who could speak the language so you can practice your speaking skills. If a conversation partner is not available to you, you always have yourself to speak to. That might sound lonely, but it is a great way to flourish your language speaking skills.

    Have your “Go-To Topics.”

    If your goal is just to impress people with how fluent you are in Chinese, you should have some topics familiarised and can always bring up in a conversation. This may just be faking the fluency, but it will be a good way of practising the language. You will be confident because you know what the topic is and you have some lines rehearsed and could deliver them in utter fluency.

    Mind the Gaps

    In many cases, you may find yourself caught up in a state of looking for words to say, this is true in any language and any conversation. But as what good speakers do, you can learn Chinese phrases that would fill the awkward silences to make you sound fluent. Phrases that we use in English such as “You know”, “It’s like this”, or “Well if I must” etc. You can listen to native speakers and mimic how they use those phrases.

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